World-Leading IVF Treatment in Athens and London’s leading reproductive clinics
Unlock Your Dream of Parenthood in the Heart of Athens, Greece

How can we help?
Dr Chris Kleanthis is a double board-certified Fertility Consultant
Ο πιο επεξηγηματικός, new entry στην Ελλάδα εξωσωματικός ιατρός που έχω συναντήσει! Είμαι μαία και συνιστώ dr. ΧΡΗΣΤΟ ΚΛΕΑΝΘΗ :)
Dr. Kleanthis is always willing to answer questions and concerns. Having experience in one of the most demanding clinics in London, where we met him, we have no reservations in recommending him as a person and a scientist.
- George M.
Εξαιρετικός επαγγελματίας και άριστος επιστήμονας που σου εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη από την πρώτη συνομιλία. Τον συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
- Emmanouil G.
Dr Kleanthis is an excellent doctor, experienced and fully qualified. He dealt with my case thoroughly, gave me the right advice and was there for my every question and concern. I have complete confidence in him and highly recommend him.
- Giota T.