Fertility Tests
With our tailored approach to testing, we prioritize and select the most suitable and efficient tests that not only save you time and expenses but, most significantly, provide accurate results. These precise outcomes are pivotal in crafting a treatment plan that aligns perfectly with your specific needs and circumstances.
If you have faced the challenge of recurrent miscarriage or encountered unsuccessful IVF treatment, it is probable that additional advanced diagnostic testings are required to delve deeper into the underlying factors.
Female factor
If you find yourself harboring concerns or seeking peace of mind regarding your fertility, undergoing a comprehensive fertility assessment serves as an ideal initial stride. Through a series of tests, we aim to identify any potential issues that could impact your ability to conceive, providing you with valuable insights and guidance.
Male factor
Our fertility assessment has been thoughtfully crafted to offer you a seamless and empowering experience in comprehending your reproductive health. Through a series of straightforward tests, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and provide valuable guidance on optimizing your conception journey.
Ο Δρ Κλεάνθης είναι ένας άψογος επαγγελματίας, φιλικός, ευγενικός και πάντα πρόθυμος να απαντήσει σε ερωτήματα κι απορίες. Έχοντας εμπειρία σε μία από τις πιο απαιτητικές κλινικές του Λονδίνου όπου και τον γνωρίσαμε δεν έχουμε καμία επιφύλαξη να τον συστήσουμε ως άνθρωπο κι επιστήμονα.
- George M.